Dear All,
I cleared SCBCD yesterday with a score of 98%. Just wanted to thank everyone in javaranch for replying my posts both for
scjp & scbcd. Since there is no authentic SCBCD EJB3.0 guide, let me share my study
I did read EJB3 in Action 2 times; once to get an overall view and next time to study the specific topics as required by the SCBCD objectives. I read Oreilly Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 also for some topics like Interceptors, Timer Service, Transaction & Security. In my opinion, Oreilly is a better book if you have a good idea about EJB3; but E3inA covers most of the objectives. But both books are not enough from an exam perspective.
These books might help to you to just pass the exam; but to get a high score you need to cover the specs; or
STUDY MIKALAI ZAIKIN NOTES as I did. I did check spec occassionally; but MZ notes are excellent and I dont know how to thank him for being so nice to provide the notes for free. It's a 'must read' for the exam
Also, I felt that SCJP checks you ability to code in
Java 5 where as SCBCD concentrates mostly on your conceptual knowledge.
I have around 1.5 years working in EJB3 and hibernate. So I was familiar with persistence API and I think that too helped me since there were several questions from persistence side.
Also Whizlabs is good for practice questions; but questions seems to be a bit simpler than those in Whizlabs.
Once again thanks for all who helped me!