Hmm interesting questions. Yet I don't know all of them or simply the "why" but note the following about RMI:
* Stubs and skeletons are NOT mandatory if you are using JDK5 or higher
* If you don't have classpath set for those jar files or whatever files, I believe it "dynamically" find it for you. How I don't know. And there is another concept called "dynamic class loading" which is not related.
* security manager is needed if you want http tunnelling or dynamic class loading or creating new RMI instances everytime (called Activatable inteface)
* Naming.rebind() doesn't work ... I believe cos you need a JNDI for it to lookup which usually requires a app server
* and this is the really fun fact or note: if the server starts using IP 1 then client code MUST bind with that server using same IP1 (can't be the hostname for that computer). A simple
test you can try start with then connect with "localhost" and vice versa.
I may be wrong on some of these. Based on what you have, it looks you have read the RMI tutorial. Maybe
you should read the RMI book by Rosso to get in depth understanding. I read that book earlier this year got what I needed .... and now can't recall
Hope this helps a bit.