If you want to use a JSF application then i think that you 've to access you your view-elements with an suffix .jsf or .faces, dependent on your web.xml, and not .jsp.
The directory stucture you have listed looks like a eclipse work directory. When you deploy it in tomcat, a new deployable testUpload directory will be created with contents of only webcontent folder and classes compiled.
Suppose your eclipse working directory is something say E:/java/myEclipseWork and you tomcat deployed directory is say c:/tomcat
then when you deploy the application from eclipse a directory c:/tomcat
c:/tomcat/webapp/testUpload will be created and this is actually the directory from which the tomcat picks up the file when you request something.
If you want to download something, you have to specify path for upload at c:/tomcat/webapp/testUpload folder.
The index.jsp and upload.jsp are under the WebContent directory not the WEB-INF,
and I use get in the url because the war file was deployed as a get.war in Tomcat
WebApps directory which it implodes to the directory structure listed above under
the get directory.
This means inside webapp you have
get war which intern have
testUpload /WEB-INF etc
Then your setting is wrong.
you must have the WEB-INF directory exactly inside get.war (it should not be inside another directory testUpload )
You should know tomcat webapplication directory structure.
It works on Eclipse. If I select the file index.jsp and right click and run on Server, I can see the upload page.
I have tried a simple example and it works. But I can't apply it to this, and I am trying to understand why.