Hi All,
I cleared exam “Sun Certified Developer for
Java Web Services (CX-310-230)” with 62%. Though this is not a good score

, it’s worth taking the exam to understand SOA and webservices better.
I would like to specially thank “Ivan A Krizsan” for his beautiful
doc. It helped me a lot. This is a best reference. Ivan probably you may try writing a book for this exam.
Additional thanks to “Mikalai Zaikin's and Watsh Rajneesh.” For your reference material.
Tips to for new people who are going take the exam.
1. Please have at least one month duration for preparation. This helps you to try some examples and write code snippets. I spend only two weeks in preparation.
2. Take mock exams that will helps to understand the concepts WSDL,
SOAP,UDDI better. Ignore questions related to JAX-RPC and concentrate on JAX-WS
3. Don’t spend much time on by hearting the annotations, api of JAX-WS instead concentrate on interoperability problems between wcf and WSIT. Basic profile ..etc
4. Spend some time on the JAXR and UDDI. It’s better to know them at api level.
5. Exam contains more theoretical part. So it is better to read more articles to cover the topics “General Design and Architecture and dpoint Design and Architecture”
6. http://scdjws-beta.blogspot.com/ contains very useful references.
At last but not least…. thanks to javaranch. Without you I may not cleared this exam.
Thanks & Regards
Balaji Chopparapu