It's related to iFrames.
Say I have two iFrames in a page which renders (embeds) two other pages. Now,
I can access element of an iFrame in parent page like this:
where aFrame is name of one of the frames.
I can access element of an iFrame in another iFrame like this:
So far it's working in all the major browsers (IE, FireFox & Chrome).
Now what if I include pages of two different domain e.g.
Instead of this:
<iframe src="f1.html" name="aFrame" />
<iframe src="f2.html" name="bFrame" />
I'll have:
<iframe src="http://www.a.com/index.html" name="aFrame" />
<iframe src="http://www.b.com/index.html" name="bFrame" />
Will I be able to access elements of an iFrame in parent page or in other iFrame?
I heard that browsers prevent this due to some security reasons. I also don't get alert(document.aFrame.document) when aFrame iFrame contains say google.com or javaranch.com but I get an [object] in alert when aFrame contains f2.html (a page in same domain).
What if I include a sub domain page in an iFrame which is in a page of parent domain e.g. myDomain.com has a page contains iFrame and this iFrame refers a page of something.myDomain.com (sub domain of myDomain.com)? Will I be able to access each others elements?
My main problem is I don't know how do i simulate this sub domain situation. I don't own any domain. Is it possible to do it locally?