David Newton wrote:If you created the directory outside of Eclipse you need to refresh the view (F5).
Other than that there's nothing special.
David Newton wrote:If you're deploying a war, or even possibly an exploded archive, it's going to delete the server dirs in the tomcat dir--you should be making those directories inside Eclipses webapp root (whatever that is) and it will be deployed along with your classes.
David Newton wrote:
Right now it sounds like you're trying to create a shared directory structure that anybody can access, outside of your local IDE/harddrive/etc. This is a bad idea.
David Newton wrote:
That aside, either Ant or Eclipse or both can handle compilation/deployment. In general I create Ant-ish (or Maven-ish) directory structures, then create an Eclipse project around it, modifying build/lib/etc. paths to match whatever the build file's structure is.
David Newton wrote:
In your case you're creating a bucket of worms, because if anybody changes the files, assuming they don't trash somebody else's changes, you'll have to refresh your Eclipse view in order to pull them in. Trust me--you'll forget, and people's changes will be lost, overwritten, and so on.
Normally you'd have a source repo, update your *local* files with changes from there, compile and deploy *locally* (or deploy to your instance of the development container if it isn't local), and so on.
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