To be clear I know that I can use jax-ws and this problem goes away, but I am in an environment where I HAVE to use jax-rpc so if someone out there is defining
SOAP faults in there wsdl and using jax-rpc please help!!!
I am trying to create a custom soap fault and I am having problems because wscompile is generating a mapping file that has the same name for two elements. This mkaes
JBoss choke with an Ambiguous name exception.
Here is the mapping file:
So as you can see the typeNS:TestExceptionValue is mapped to TestExceptionValue_Exception and TestExceptionValue_Type. JBoss does not like this and I get an ambiguos type error on deployment.
I know that I can modify the mapping file such that it may work because the generated one is incorrect but I am not sure how to change it. Just giving them different names did not help I got another JBoss exception when it tried to read the mapping file.
The searchschema option is specified in the wscompile features and this is generating the TestExceptionValue_Exception and the TestExceptionValue_Type
so I took that out to see if that would help and JBoss still had trouble parsing the mapping file.
Here is my wsd:
Types file:
wsConfig.xml file: