Post Attempt 2 nitpick:
I do not agree with a nitpick:
I believe I can instantate as many of the
servlets (in the same VM) as I like and I only get one unique "video library". Using the particular set of modifiers I have chosen ensures the uniqueness. Even if one of the servlets is instantiated out of context there will be just one "video library".
I have checked this out by inspecting 5 various instantiations of similarly constructed classes with a debugger. Mind you I could be wrong ( to cover my a..., so to speak

Cheers -Barry (tiptoeing away...)
(tiptoeing meekly back...)
Or does it mean "something completely different"?
Like one of them servlets should not be instantiated out of context? Maybe I have to look at it in a more abstract sense?
Ho hum, what to do? what to do?
Exit (on tiptoe...)
(Enter Barry....)
I wonder... could it be that there are only two servlets after all, and the other thing is a purer form of... (Barry rushes off excitedly...)
Hammering noises in distance, and cries of "it works!, it works!..."
(Enter Barry...cluching a manuscript...)
To send, or not to send?,
that is the question.
[ February 12, 2003: Message edited by: Barry Gaunt ]