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arun singhal wrote:Sorry!!!
I am using Window 7 OS.
And I am going to tell why I want to Disable ALT+TAB key using java.....
I am making a project on CYBER CAFE MANAGEMENT in window 7 OS.
Paul Clapham wrote:
Then you should choose a different language. All of the key things you have to do for this cannot be done in Java. As already said, you could use JNI to do those things, but if I were grading a Java project and all of the important parts were done in some other language, I wouldn't give it a good grade at all.
Of course I may be making some incorrect assumptions about the requirements for your project.
Paul Clapham wrote:Well, sure you can make a login screen. That's pretty trivial. But if your intention was to hack Windows so that it displayed your login screen instead of its own login screen, that's not trivial at all. Probably not even trivial if you wrote it in a Windows-specific language given the potential for security violations. And again, Java wouldn't be the language to use for hacking Windows.
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