I thought of following one approach if client different EDI formats.
I will explain in detail.If user sends different EDI formats without touching
java code i want to build the code in a generic way.
my intention is the code should work for all kind of EDI formats.
if client sends differents EDI formats intially i will map it only at DB side once.
for this i have created one table.in this table i will mention the EXISTING_APPLICATION_ID where this field is mapped to xml tag.we can see the values below for the 2 different EDI formats.you can also check the xml files.
if you see the java code i am getting the values from DB agaisnt field names in the application.
Xpath is used to retrive the values agaist xml tags specied in the table.
Can you please anybody tell me how is my approach?will the code suffice if client sends different type of edi formats.
can anybody light on the code on Xpath related code.will it be any performance related issues will come?
can we write more generic way better than this?