love your job and not your company;
...because you never know when your company will stop loving you!
mannoj patil wrote:I think you can set the "selected" in the following code dynamically while returning the dropdown list?
...or am I missing something?
Bear Bibeault wrote:Same way. Whatever option has the selected attribute will be the selected option.
thomas colding wrote:
Salil Verma
thomas colding wrote:
Bear Bibeault wrote:Same way. Whatever option has the selected attribute will be the selected option.
Could you please specify what you mean, is it possible?
Bear Bibeault wrote:This is just basic HTML.
Bear Bibeault wrote:Bingo.
Salil Verma
Paul Clapham wrote:From what I can see, at least from the original post, Thomas already has JSP code which generates the SELECT element. All that's needed is to improve that to add the "selected" attribute on the appropriate OPTION element. Perhaps the question is how to do that; I can see that being a FAQ. I know I had trouble figuring out a way to do that in the EL.
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