Hi guys,
I'm getting an error message as follows -
[No getter method available for property strListType for bean under name
org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN]: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method
available for property strListType for bean under name org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN
at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.SelectTag.doStartTag(SelectTag.java:305)
This seems to be happening in a <html:select tag > in my
jsp: The code in the jsp is as follows ::
<html:form action="/genPriceListDtls">
<html:select property="strListType" style="width: 145px" onchange="fnShowLevel()">

ption value="-"><%=UIConstants.SELECT_LIST_TYPE %></html


ptions collection="PriceListTypes" property="key" labelProperty="value" />
My struts-config.xml file has the following declarations
<form-bean name="AddPriceListForm" type="actionforms.AddPriceListForm"></form-bean>
<action path="/CreateNewPriceList" type="actions.NewPriceList"
validate="false" >
<forward name="success" path="/pricelist/RV2_AddPriceListHeader.jsp" ></forward>
My form bean has the getter method for the same
String strListType (I've checked it a dozen times!!)
What is the problem here? Is it something special with the :select tag? Am I missing something?
Please help.