Hi I need a help regarding extraction of business segement financial data from United states Regulating authority Secuirities
Exchange Commission. Generally companies file their business segment financial data in their quarterly and annual reports such as 10-Q, 10-K respectively. But this section is being chaning from company to company. Presently I am using
Java based auto extractor to extract such data. I have defined begin tags, end tags and table identifiers basing on documents. But because of reporting styles of filers formats have been changing and while extracting data I cant able to extract required data. Can anyone has the idea of what are the various options to auto extract this data?
Ex:http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1376139/000095012308009607/y65460e10vq.htm(I require the table which is reported in page 27--Use the search word"Intersegment eliminations" directly go to table)
Another example
http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/101462/000119312508150406/d10q.htm(Search word to get table is"Segments of Business" which is given in page no.13.
Please Help me.