I am using
Struts 1.1 in this topic. I have a very simple page with only 1 input field for age. I assign it to DynaActionForm with request scope. Then I create a simple Action class that does nothing but forwarding to the landing page, which is a
jsp page. At landing page, I want to display different messages based on the age field in Formbean. At landing page, I am trying to get the value of age field from the FormBean and assign it to a
java variable so I can perform logic in jsp page, meaning using <% %> scriplet. Here is the pseudocode of landing page
<% Get Age field and assign to java variable.
If (Age < 10) {
Hello Kid
<% }else if (Age between 10 - 20){
Hello Dude
<% }else{
Hello Folks
<% } %>
Can someone give me some clue?