I'm trying to find out some information about practical use of the Spring framework and JBoss Seam. I'm interested about the pros and cons about using the Spring framework and JBoss Seam framework in "every day use". Why people choose Spring instead of Seam, or why people choose Seam. Which one is better and why? What are main differences beetwen Spring and Seam? Why the Spring is so popular and why the JBoss Seam is not so often use as Spring? I will be very gratefull for every answer about using Spring or Seam, about problems with these frameworka, and of course about advantages of using Spring or Seam. I would like to know your opinions about these two frameworks, what do you think about them.
If some one will answer your question, he will find him self writing an article I suggest you read the very first pages of each framework to get the feel and smell of them.
Seam is built around JEE technologies (JSF, EJB, JPA ..) while Spring is more generic framework, and by the way, Seam is popular too.
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