posted 21 years ago
Let me re-phrase my question. Upon the user click on the LOGOUT buttion, I have two actions - one action is in which I invalidate the session, ..., etc. and the other action will lead the user to the welcome page in which LOGON buttion is provided.
As long as two actions are involved, the user does not get back to the welcome page by just click on the LOGOFF button "only once". How is such a situation usually handled?
I have the following code in the navbarMenu.jsp:
and in the struts-config.xml, I have:
In the, I invalidate the session and I want the user to go back the welcome page. Therefore, in the struts-config.xml:
The problem is that it takes two steps for the user to go back to the welcome page - After the first click, the same screen remains in the browser. The only change is what is shown in the address bar. I have to click the LOGOFF button again and then the welcome page is displayed.