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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
One's chronological age doesn't matter -- what does matter is one's skills and one's enthusiasm!
Bear Bibeault wrote:
I don't think there's a particular age, but all too many employers think that they can get a bargain by hiring more junior (read: cheaper) employees for positions and responsibilities that require experience.
===Vyas Sanzgiri===
My Blog
Rogerio Kioshi wrote:Hi,
I'd like to know if it exists an age when you can consider an IT professional old.
I mean, an age when you send your resumé and you are not called anymore by the companies.
Does it exist?
SCJP, SCJD, SCEA 5 "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" Agatha Heterodyne (Girl Genius)
Burk Hufnagel wrote:
I think that it varies depending on what you are doing and whether you're keeping up with what's going on in the industry. When looking for Java developers, you could be 25 and if you haven't used anything newer than Java 1.2, never learned about Generics, or EJB/Hibernate, etc. you probably won't get called. Not because you are too old, but because your skills are.
===Vyas Sanzgiri===
My Blog
Vyas Sanzgiri wrote:I think they are not talking about technology but pure age. I understand that even the so called "old ppl" are active and good learners. Sometimes age brings other issues like experience and pay-scale which might not be in the best interest of a company
SCJP, SCJD, SCEA 5 "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" Agatha Heterodyne (Girl Genius)
===Vyas Sanzgiri===
My Blog
Vyas Sanzgiri wrote:That is the practice following in the 3-4 companies I have worked. It all depends on the manager and my managers have been very smart to train juniors and get the best out of them.
Let us not take the topic out of context.
SCJP, SCJD, SCEA 5 "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" Agatha Heterodyne (Girl Genius)
No more Blub for me, thank you, Vicar.
chris webster wrote:In the current market many people are finding that their career in technical roles may be over after just 10-15 years. It's kind of like dogs - you have to measure our age in "Programmer Years" because our professional lives are so much shorter than the human norm!
SCJP, SCJD, SCEA 5 "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" Agatha Heterodyne (Girl Genius)
What are developers there doing after they pass the 10-15 year mark?
No more Blub for me, thank you, Vicar.
SCJP, SCJD, SCEA 5 "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" Agatha Heterodyne (Girl Genius)
Burk Hufnagel wrote:Chris,
Ouch. That soundes kind of bleak.
Have you considered something like writing or speaking at conferences as a way of taking what you've learned and passing it on to the generations of developers following you?
No more Blub for me, thank you, Vicar.
SCJP, SCJD, SCEA 5 "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" Agatha Heterodyne (Girl Genius)
SCJP, SCJD, SCEA 5 "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" Agatha Heterodyne (Girl Genius)
Girls just want to have fun.
Sheila Deskins wrote:You become 'old' we you get stuck working on trailing edge technology.
Leandro Coutinho wrote:Ivar Jacobson has 70 years old and he still is active. =)
SCJP, SCJD, SCEA 5 "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" Agatha Heterodyne (Girl Genius)
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Joshua Mccartney wrote:I don't think so. For me 50 above because they have some problems when it comes to their eyes and ears. They will have a poor eyesight because of the radiation coming from the computer.
No more Blub for me, thank you, Vicar.
You mean those of us over the age of 18 can actually recognise BS when it is flung around! It is more a case of higher tolerance of rubbish in the young, surely.chris webster wrote: . . . reduced tolerance for all the BS . . .
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:Probably. I know my father had this problem. (he wasn't a programmer, but was in IT) || OCJP:81%
Vishal Hegde wrote:
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:Probably. I know my father had this problem. (he wasn't a programmer, but was in IT)
Programmers are not from IT?
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
Vishal Hegde wrote:Programmers are not from IT?
Joshua Mccartney wrote:I don't think so. For me 50 above because they have some problems when it comes to their eyes and ears. They will have a poor eyesight because of the radiation coming from the computer.
Jacquie Barker wrote:matter is one's skills and one's enthusiasm!
Jan de Boer wrote:Skills yes, but enthusiasm? Why do we always have to be 'happy happy happy' according to the managers?
No more Blub for me, thank you, Vicar.
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