Hi Friends..
I wanna ask you how to generate WSDL file for JAX-WS?..
i saw there's any way for placing WSDL file in WEB-INF directory (for JAX-WS
Servlet instance)..
and the WSDL file is configured in @WebService's wsdlLocation property..
currently, i'm learning developing WebService through tools such as Netbeans6.5 and Eclipse..
How to generate WSDL through Netbeans 6.5 and Eclipse?..
while i don't attach wsdlLocation property, i access that WebService through URL :
and then if i've generated that WSDL file, how to access the WebService's WSDL?..
is the way same like while we don't include wsdlLocation property?.. or is the way diiferent?
Thanks in advance..