i have cleared SCWCD 1.5 exam with 71%. its just passed . i am happy because have manage sharp minimum requirment .
thanks to all of you who posted your thoughts and experience on coderanch. really it was wonderful help for me. and big thanks to Head First 2 without it it was diff icult for me, because i did not have any dumps or any preparation kits only H.F.
Congratulations ! I did SCWCD 27th and I am also hoping to do SCBCD. As I heard there is no Head First for SCBCD 5 yet and best to buy EJB 3 in Action which I did yesterday. It is like HF but it is not aimed for SCBCD so no questions. Study hard.Good Luck.
Kosala W.Abayagunawardene wrote:Congratulations ! I did SCWCD 27th and I am also hoping to do SCBCD. As I heard there is no Head First for SCBCD 5 yet and best to buy EJB 3 in Action which I did yesterday. It is like HF but it is not aimed for SCBCD so no questions. Study hard.Good Luck.
Uh oh - I just ordered that book. Is it old and out of date for tnew SCBCD test?