Ravi Kiran V wrote:
A Dog is an Animal. Not all Animals are Dogs.
still in some sort of confusion .Can anybody please help me on this .
The core issue here is typesafety. If a reference assignment can be guaranteed to work properly already at compilertime it's said to be typesafe. If you have to wait until runtime before you know if it was okay it's not typesafe.
Now an upcast (from subtype to supertype) is always typesafe, whereas a downcast (from supertype to subtype) is not. This is why the compiler will force you to put in an explicit cast in the downcast situation. The compiler says:
"Hey, I cannot guarantee the typesafety of this downcast at compiletime. So I require that you take on full responsibility for it by putting in an explicit cast. Still I won't take your
word for it. If I detect at runtime that you lied to me I'll throw a bad cast exception at you."
This is an example of a bad downcast. Say Dog and Cat both are subtypes of Animal:
The compiler will allow the downcast at compiletime because for all it knows it could be okay and you promise it is okay by putting in the explicit cast. At runtime it will be detected that the Animal variable really didn't hold a Cat object like you said it would but a Dog object. A Dog object cannot be assigned to a Cat variable so your program will end in an exception.
Just because downcasts aren't typesafe they should be avoided like the plague.
You should downcast only as a last resort.