I am extending Alfresco and created a table in database, i want to do view/add/edit/delete operations on that table. For that I created a
jsp and showed the table data in a datatable
JSF component.
Secondly, I have two input fields and a Save (submit) command button. This button calls a method
saveLookupItem of
LookupTable Bean. Here is the command button with two input fields.
When command button is pressed, following method is called successfully.
This above method eventually calls the
save method of A DAO
lookupTableDao which is as follows
This save method runs without any error
but does not save any value. On the other hand methods that fetch data from db table like "findAll" and "findById" work fine. Please suggest what can I do to insert/save data.
JSF Managed bean
spring bean which is defined in