u could use jstl like this
<c:set var="speclist" value="${applicationScope.profileCache.professionSpecialtyListMap}"/>
<c:forEach var="entry" items="${speclist}">
<c:if test='${entry.key == prof}'>
<select name="specialty" class="text10">
<option value="">---------- Select One ----------</option>
<c:forEach var="specialty" items="${entry.value}">
<c:set var="specid" value="${specialty.specialtyID}"/>
<c:set var="name" value="${specialty.description}"/>
<option value="<c

ut value="${specid}"/>" <c:if test='${specid == spec}'> selected </c:if> ><c

ut value="${name}"/></option>
and java script should be fine but why would it cause the form to submit unless u are using an html:img tag........i had a problem when i was using html:img buttons initially coz i was accidentally calling the form on the click of the image.............make sure that its not the same thing....