Rob Prime wrote:What is this LSB_LO format? Do you have the specification for that?
And what's this "getBytes()" method? I hope you're not talking about String's getBytes() method? Because you cannot use Strings for binary files. To convert a binary file to a byte array use ByteArrayOutputStream; copy all data from the FileInputStream to the ByteArrayOutputStream, then call the latter's toByteArray() method to get the byte array.
Hi Rob
Thanks for reply!!!
Actually LSB_LO format; i.e. the least significant byte of the binary number. So, whole file is written in this format. And yes I haven't used getBytes() of String I am just telling that I have a method which reads whole file and returns byte array of that.
And then I took one by one byte from that and converted in to HEX format. But I don't know what will be the next step I need to follow.