John Wenn wrote:
So what's your opinion about upgrade exams for JEE6, how will they parallel those exams with the newly introduced exams as you mentioned JSF,JPA 2.0
I don't know for sure. But I guess that:
- Next SCBCD will focus less on JPA and focus more on other features of
- Next SCWCD will be updated to cover
Servlet 3.0 and
JSP 2.2/EL 2.0
- Next SCDJWS will cover JAX-RS
- Next SCEA Part 1 will cover the new specifications in Java EE 6
SCJA 1.0, SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3, SCJP 5.0, SCEA 5, SCBCD 5; OCUP - Fundamental, Intermediate and Advanced; IBM Certified Solution Designer - OOAD, vUML 2; SpringSource Certified Spring Professional