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Monu Tripathi wrote:On the downside, I feel, the story was okay. I thought it was tailored to fit the world/environment: the director must have imagined the world first and then written a story.
Mike Simmons wrote:...but thinking about it after, it's not terribly original; just a mishmash of elements from elsewhere, with a fairly simple good-guys-vs-bad-guys setup and a big Hollywood ending.
Greg Bollinger wrote:But I thought technologically it was flipping amazing and I want to see it again. It won't be the same when it is released on DVD/Blueray.
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Mike Simmons wrote:Did they ever attempt to explain the floating mountains? I may have missed it.
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Ujjwal B Soni <baroda, gujarat, india> <+918866008962>
"Helping hands are better than praying lips......"
There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors
Monu Tripathi wrote:
Mike Simmons wrote:Did they ever attempt to explain the floating mountains? I may have missed it.
No, I don't think they did.
Gregg Bolinger wrote:
Monu Tripathi wrote:
Mike Simmons wrote:Did they ever attempt to explain the floating mountains? I may have missed it.
No, I don't think they did.
Unobtanium is a superconductor, in the movie the BEST superconductor. Superconductors can float in the presence of a magnetic field. Mountains on Pandora are apparently loaded with unobtanium so can float in the powerful magnetic pockets that dot the moon's surface. The film shows these magnetic fields can interfere with technology, just as they would in real life.
Monu Tripathi wrote:I agree; I am going to watch it again
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To err is human,
To forgive is not company policy
There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors
fred rosenberger wrote:Here's an article by a guy who got an early script treatment. He meticulously details the differences in the film and what he read. The film seems drastically different. It's long, but worth a read.
And in case it isn't obvious, there are many, many, MANY spoilers in the article.
fred rosenberger wrote:Plot spoiler below:
Race 'a' is oppressing race 'b'. member of race 'a' learns about race 'b', falls in love ...
Pat Farrell wrote:
fred rosenberger wrote:Plot spoiler below:
Race 'a' is oppressing race 'b'. member of race 'a' learns about race 'b', falls in love ...
How original. It was a very old plot when Shakespeare used it 400 years ago in Romeo and Juliet. Perhaps with a bit of The Taming of the Shrew thrown in. Or any of literaly thousands of movies.
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Monu Tripathi wrote:Exactly; It is more of a visual delight than anything else IMO.
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EFH wrote:Do you suppose the idea is that we wouldn't sympathize with the characters if they were less like us? What if they had twelve limbs and eyes all over their torsos -- would that have spoiled the movie? Was identifiable human sex appeal essential to mass acceptance?
Ernest Friedman-Hill wrote:Do you suppose the idea is that we wouldn't sympathize with the characters if they were less like us? What if they had twelve limbs and eyes all over their torsos -- would that have spoiled the movie?
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Mark Spritzler wrote:and there were no previews.
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
Mike Simmons wrote:...I eagerly await sequels.