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struts2.0 application issues
Mathew Lee
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Posts: 238
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I am trying to run one simple
2 application. When i try to deploy and run following console error message coming.
*********** Start Display Current Environment ************ WebSphere Platform 6.1 [BASE cf20633.22] running with process name ganesha-558ff63Node02Cell\ganesha-558ff63Node02\server1 and process id 4444 Host Operating System is Windows XP, version 5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 3 Java version = J2RE 1.5.0 IBM J9 2.3 Windows XP x86-32 j9vmwi3223-20060504 (JIT enabled) J9VM - 20060501_06428_lHdSMR JIT - 20060428_1800_r8 GC - 20060501_AA, Java Compiler = j9jit23, Java VM name = IBM J9 VM was.install.root = D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61 user.install.root = D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\profiles\AppSrv01 Java Home = D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\java\jre ws.ext.dirs = D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61/java/lib;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\profiles\AppSrv01/classes;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61/classes;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61/lib;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61/installedChannels;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61/lib/ext;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61/web/help;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61/deploytool/itp/plugins/ Classpath = D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\profiles\AppSrv01/properties;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61/properties;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61/lib/startup.jar;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61/lib/bootstrap.jar;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61/lib/j2ee.jar;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61/lib/lmproxy.jar;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61/lib/urlprotocols.jar;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61/deploytool/itp/batchboot.jar;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61/deploytool/itp/batch2.jar;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61/java/lib/tools.jar Java Library path = D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\java\jre\bin;.;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\java\jre\bin;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\bin;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\java\bin;D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\java\jre\bin;D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin;D:\WINDOWS\system32;D:\WINDOWS;D:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;D:\RI\apache-ant-1.7.1-bin\apache-ant-1.7.1\bin;D:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin;D:\apache-ant-1.7.1\bin;D:\Program Files\CVSNT\ ************* End Display Current Environment ************* [12/25/09 13:06:00:296 CST] 0000000a ManagerAdmin I TRAS0017I: The startup trace state is *=info. [12/25/09 13:06:01:484 CST] 0000000a ManagerAdmin I TRAS0111I: The message IDs that are in use are deprecated [12/25/09 13:06:01:656 CST] 0000000a AdminInitiali A ADMN0015I: The administration service is initialized. [12/25/09 13:06:02:531 CST] 0000000a PluginConfigS I PLGC0057I: The plug-in configuration service started successfully. [12/25/09 13:06:02:562 CST] 0000000a ManagedObject I Processing extension point [12/25/09 13:06:02:734 CST] 0000000a SSLComponentI I CWPKI0001I: SSL service is initializing the configuration [12/25/09 13:06:02:781 CST] 0000000a WSKeyStore W CWPKI0041W: One or more key stores are using the default password. [12/25/09 13:06:02:796 CST] 0000000a SSLConfigMana I CWPKI0027I: Disabling default hostname verification for HTTPS URL connections. [12/25/09 13:06:02:921 CST] 0000000a SSLDiagnostic I CWPKI0014I: The SSL component's FFDC Diagnostic Module registered successfully: true. [12/25/09 13:06:02:937 CST] 0000000a SSLComponentI I CWPKI0002I: SSL service initialization completed successfully [12/25/09 13:06:02:953 CST] 0000000a DiagnosticCon I setStateCollectionSpec RASD0012I: Updating State Collection Spec from Uninitialized Value to .*:.*=0 [12/25/09 13:06:02:968 CST] 0000000a PMIImpl A CWPMI1001I: PMI is enabled [12/25/09 13:06:03:625 CST] 0000000a SibMessage I [:] CWSIU0000I: Release: WAS61.SIB Level: o0631.15 [12/25/09 13:06:03:718 CST] 0000000a SecurityDM I SECJ0231I: The Security component's FFDC Diagnostic Module registered successfully: true. [12/25/09 13:06:03:765 CST] 0000000a AuditServiceI A SECJ6004I: Security Auditing is disabled. [12/25/09 13:06:03:765 CST] 0000000a distSecurityC I SECJ0309I: Java 2 Security is disabled. [12/25/09 13:06:03:843 CST] 0000000a Configuration A SECJ0215I: Successfully set JAAS login provider configuration class to [12/25/09 13:06:03:843 CST] 0000000a distSecurityC I SECJ0212I: WCCM JAAS configuration information successfully pushed to login provider class. [12/25/09 13:06:03:859 CST] 0000000a distSecurityC I SECJ0240I: Security service initialization completed successfully [12/25/09 13:06:03:968 CST] 0000000a ServiceLogger I initialize FFDC0009I: FFDC opened incident stream file D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\profiles\AppSrv01\logs\ffdc\server1_1420142_09.12.25_13.06.03_0.txt [12/25/09 13:06:04:046 CST] 0000000a ServiceLogger I resetIncidentStream FFDC0010I: FFDC closed incident stream file D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\profiles\AppSrv01\logs\ffdc\server1_1420142_09.12.25_13.06.03_0.txt [12/25/09 13:06:04:125 CST] 0000000a ObjectPoolSer I OBPL0007I: Object Pool Manager service is disabled. [12/25/09 13:06:04:187 CST] 0000000a J2EEServiceMa I ASYN0059I: Work Manager service initialized successfully. [12/25/09 13:06:04:250 CST] 0000000a CScopeCompone I CSCP0002I: Compensation service is disabled. [12/25/09 13:06:04:328 CST] 0000000a SibMessage I [:] CWSID0006I: The SIB service was not enabled and will not be started. [12/25/09 13:06:04:343 CST] 0000000a ActivitySessi I WACS0045I: ActivitySession service is disabled. [12/25/09 13:06:04:484 CST] 0000000a SOAPContainer I WSWS1062I: The SOAP Container service has been initialized. [12/25/09 13:06:04:562 CST] 0000000a SchedulerServ I SCHD0036I: The Scheduler Service is initializing. [12/25/09 13:06:04:578 CST] 0000000a SchedulerServ I SCHD0037I: The Scheduler Service has been initialized. [12/25/09 13:06:04:875 CST] 0000000a WebsphereComm I WebsphereCommonLauncher CWSCT0332I: SIP Container was launched successfully but will only be initialized when first SIP application is loaded [12/25/09 13:06:04:984 CST] 0000000a StartUpServic I STUP0008I: The Startup Beans service is disabled. [12/25/09 13:06:05:000 CST] 0000000a I18nService I I18N0010I: The Internationalization service is created on server1. [12/25/09 13:06:05:000 CST] 0000000a I18nServiceSe I I18N0010I: The Internationalization service is disabled on server1. [12/25/09 13:06:05:125 CST] 0000000a ThreadPoolMgr W WSVR0626W: The ThreadPool setting on the ObjectRequestBroker service is deprecated. [12/25/09 13:06:05:187 CST] 0000000a SSLComponentI I CWPKI0003I: SSL service is starting [12/25/09 13:06:05:187 CST] 0000000a SSLComponentI I CWPKI0004I: SSL service started successfully [12/25/09 13:06:05:859 CST] 0000000a CoordinatorIm I HMGR0206I: The Coordinator is an Active Coordinator for core group DefaultCoreGroup. [12/25/09 13:06:05:890 CST] 0000000a DCSPluginSing I HMGR0005I: The Single Server DCS Core Stack transport has been started for core group DefaultCoreGroup. [12/25/09 13:06:06:156 CST] 0000000a NameServerImp A NMSV0018I: Name server available on bootstrap port 2810. [12/25/09 13:06:06:656 CST] 00000011 ServiceLogger I initialize FFDC0009I: FFDC opened incident stream file D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\profiles\AppSrv01\logs\ffdc\server1_22dc22dc_09.12.25_13.06.06_0.txt [12/25/09 13:06:06:734 CST] 00000011 ServiceLogger I resetIncidentStream FFDC0010I: FFDC closed incident stream file D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\profiles\AppSrv01\logs\ffdc\server1_22dc22dc_09.12.25_13.06.06_0.txt [12/25/09 13:06:06:765 CST] 0000000a JMXSoapAdapte A ADMC0013I: The SOAP connector is available at port 8881 [12/25/09 13:06:06:765 CST] 0000000a distSecurityC I SECJ0243I: Security service started successfully [12/25/09 13:06:06:781 CST] 0000000a distSecurityC I SECJ0210I: Security enabled false [12/25/09 13:06:06:843 CST] 0000000a J2EEServiceMa I ASYN0055I: The Work Manager service started successfully. [12/25/09 13:06:06:906 CST] 0000000a RecoveryDirec I CWRLS0010I: Performing recovery processing for local WebSphere server (ganesha-558ff63Node02Cell\ganesha-558ff63Node02\server1). [12/25/09 13:06:06:937 CST] 0000000a RecoveryDirec I CWRLS0012I: All persistent services have been directed to perform recovery processing for this WebSphere server (ganesha-558ff63Node02Cell\ganesha-558ff63Node02\server1). [12/25/09 13:06:07:000 CST] 00000013 RecoveryManag A WTRN0028I: Transaction service recovering 0 transactions. [12/25/09 13:06:07:265 CST] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding DefaultEJBTimerDataSource as jdbc/DefaultEJBTimerDataSource [12/25/09 13:06:07:328 CST] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding Default_CF as eis/DefaultDatasource_CMP [12/25/09 13:06:07:343 CST] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding Default Datasource as DefaultDatasource [12/25/09 13:06:07:359 CST] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding DefaultWorkManager as wm/default [12/25/09 13:06:07:375 CST] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding DefaultTimerManager as tm/default [12/25/09 13:06:08:343 CST] 0000000a AppProfileCom I ACIN0007I: The application profiling service started successfully. [12/25/09 13:06:08:375 CST] 0000000a WorkAreaServi A ACWA0002I: WorkArea service not enabled on server1. [12/25/09 13:06:08:390 CST] 0000000a SOAPAcceptorC I WSSC1019I: The SOAP Acceptor Channel has been configured. [12/25/09 13:06:08:453 CST] 0000000a CacheServiceI I DYNA0048I: WebSphere Dynamic Cache initialized successfully. [12/25/09 13:06:08:531 CST] 0000000a SchedulerServ I SCHD0031I: The Scheduler Service is starting. [12/25/09 13:06:08:578 CST] 0000000a SchedulerServ I SCHD0001I: The Scheduler Service has started. [12/25/09 13:06:08:640 CST] 0000000a RegistryConfi I CWXRS0017I: Extension Registry objects storage: D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\profiles\AppSrv01\temp\ganesha-558ff63Node02\server1\_extensionregistry [12/25/09 13:06:08:671 CST] 0000000a CacheServiceI I DYNA1001I: WebSphere Dynamic Cache instance named ws/ initialized successfully. [12/25/09 13:06:08:671 CST] 0000000a RegistryCache I CWXRS0002I: DynaCache instance for Extension Registry created with CACHE_SIZE: 5000 [12/25/09 13:06:09:000 CST] 0000000a WebContainer I SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class] was registered successfully. [12/25/09 13:06:09:000 CST] 0000000a WebContainer I SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class] has been associated with patterns [""]. [12/25/09 13:06:09:015 CST] 0000000a WebContainer I SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class] was registered successfully. [12/25/09 13:06:09:015 CST] 0000000a WebContainer I SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class] has been associated with patterns [""]. [12/25/09 13:06:09:093 CST] 0000000a WebContainer I SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class] was registered successfully. [12/25/09 13:06:09:109 CST] 0000000a WebContainer I SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class] has been associated with patterns [""]. [12/25/09 13:06:09:109 CST] 0000000a WebContainer I SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class] was registered successfully. [12/25/09 13:06:09:109 CST] 0000000a WebContainer I SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class] has been associated with patterns [*.jsp *.jspx *.jsw *.jsv ]. [12/25/09 13:06:10:078 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: DefaultApplication [12/25/09 13:06:10:078 CST] 00000015 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: isclite [12/25/09 13:06:10:078 CST] 00000016 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: ivtApp [12/25/09 13:06:10:078 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0204I: Application: DefaultApplication Application build level: Unknown [12/25/09 13:06:10:078 CST] 00000016 ApplicationMg A WSVR0203I: Application: ivtApp Application build level: WAS61.SERV1 [cf20633.22] [12/25/09 13:06:10:078 CST] 00000015 ApplicationMg A WSVR0203I: Application: isclite Application build level: WAS61.WSC [cf20632.12] [12/25/09 13:06:10:484 CST] 00000016 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: ivtEJB.jar [12/25/09 13:06:10:484 CST] 00000014 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: Increment.jar [12/25/09 13:06:10:562 CST] 00000014 EJBContainerI I WSVR0057I: EJB jar started: Increment.jar [12/25/09 13:06:10:593 CST] 00000016 EJBContainerI I WSVR0057I: EJB jar started: ivtEJB.jar [12/25/09 13:06:10:796 CST] 00000014 WebContainer A SRVE0161I: IBM WebSphere Application Server - Web Container. Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2006 [12/25/09 13:06:10:812 CST] 00000014 WebContainer A SRVE0162I: Servlet Specification Level: 2.4 [12/25/09 13:06:10:812 CST] 00000014 WebContainer A SRVE0163I: Supported JSP Specification Level: 2.0 [12/25/09 13:06:10:906 CST] 00000015 ExtensionPoin I CWXRS0034I: Extension connected with Extension Point [12/25/09 13:06:10:968 CST] 00000014 WebContainer A SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class] was registered successfully. [12/25/09 13:06:10:968 CST] 00000014 WebContainer A SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class] has been associated with patterns [VH:_WS_EH* ]. [12/25/09 13:06:11:015 CST] 00000014 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: Default Web Application. [12/25/09 13:06:11:265 CST] 00000014 ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [DefaultApplication] [/] [Hello Pervasive Servlet]: Initialization successful. [12/25/09 13:06:11:296 CST] 00000014 ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [DefaultApplication] [/] [Hit Count Servlet]: Initialization successful. [12/25/09 13:06:11:312 CST] 00000014 ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [DefaultApplication] [/] [Snoop Servlet]: Initialization successful. [12/25/09 13:06:11:328 CST] 00000014 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module Default Web Application has been bound to default_host[*:9081,*:80,*:9444,*:5060,*:5061,*:443]. [12/25/09 13:06:11:421 CST] 00000015 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: isclite. [12/25/09 13:06:11:468 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: DefaultApplication [12/25/09 13:06:11:468 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: query [12/25/09 13:06:11:468 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0204I: Application: query Application build level: Unknown [12/25/09 13:06:11:718 CST] 00000014 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: querybean.jar [12/25/09 13:06:11:750 CST] 00000014 EJBContainerI I WSVR0057I: EJB jar started: querybean.jar [12/25/09 13:06:11:796 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: query [12/25/09 13:06:11:796 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: IBMUTC [12/25/09 13:06:11:890 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0204I: Application: IBMUTC Application build level: Unknown [12/25/09 13:06:12:093 CST] 00000015 ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [isclite] [/ibm/console] [EventInitializer]: Initialization successful. [12/25/09 13:06:12:109 CST] 00000015 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module isclite has been bound to admin_host[*:9061,*:9044]. [12/25/09 13:06:12:125 CST] 00000016 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: IVT Application. [12/25/09 13:06:12:203 CST] 00000016 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module IVT Application has been bound to default_host[*:9081,*:80,*:9444,*:5060,*:5061,*:443]. [12/25/09 13:06:12:203 CST] 00000015 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: adminconsole redirector. [12/25/09 13:06:12:218 CST] 00000016 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: ivtApp [12/25/09 13:06:12:218 CST] 00000016 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: JSFApp [12/25/09 13:06:12:234 CST] 00000015 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module adminconsole redirector has been bound to admin_host[*:9061,*:9044]. [12/25/09 13:06:12:281 CST] 00000016 ApplicationMg A WSVR0204I: Application: JSFApp Application build level: Unknown [12/25/09 13:06:12:281 CST] 00000014 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: Universal Test Client. [12/25/09 13:06:12:390 CST] 00000016 ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding DefaultEJBTimerDataSource as jdbc/DefaultEJBTimerDataSource [12/25/09 13:06:12:390 CST] 00000014 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module Universal Test Client has been bound to default_host[*:9081,*:80,*:9444,*:5060,*:5061,*:443]. [12/25/09 13:06:12:578 CST] 00000015 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: EHS3.01. [12/25/09 13:06:12:593 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: IBMUTC [12/25/09 13:06:12:593 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: FilterUsingParameterEAR [12/25/09 13:06:12:625 CST] 00000015 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module EHS3.01 has been bound to admin_host[*:9061,*:9044]. [12/25/09 13:06:12:656 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0204I: Application: FilterUsingParameterEAR Application build level: Unknown [12/25/09 13:06:12:671 CST] 00000016 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: JSFWeb. [12/25/09 13:06:12:781 CST] 00000014 ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding DefaultEJBTimerDataSource as jdbc/DefaultEJBTimerDataSource [12/25/09 13:06:13:046 CST] 00000016 ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [JSFApp] [/JSFWeb] [Faces Servlet]: Initialization successful. [12/25/09 13:06:13:046 CST] 00000016 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module JSFWeb has been bound to default_host[*:9081,*:80,*:9444,*:5060,*:5061,*:443]. [12/25/09 13:06:13:062 CST] 00000014 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: Example Applications. [12/25/09 13:06:13:156 CST] 00000016 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: JSFApp [12/25/09 13:06:13:218 CST] 00000016 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: FilterProjectEar [12/25/09 13:06:13:218 CST] 00000016 ApplicationMg A WSVR0204I: Application: FilterProjectEar Application build level: Unknown [12/25/09 13:06:13:250 CST] 00000014 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module Example Applications has been bound to default_host[*:9081,*:80,*:9444,*:5060,*:5061,*:443]. [12/25/09 13:06:13:250 CST] 00000015 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: Integrated Solutions Console. [12/25/09 13:06:13:265 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: FilterUsingParameterEAR [12/25/09 13:06:13:312 CST] 00000016 ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding DefaultEJBTimerDataSource as jdbc/DefaultEJBTimerDataSource [12/25/09 13:06:13:390 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: ServletEAR [12/25/09 13:06:13:390 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0204I: Application: ServletEAR Application build level: Unknown [12/25/09 13:06:13:453 CST] 00000015 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module Integrated Solutions Console has been bound to admin_host[*:9061,*:9044]. [12/25/09 13:06:13:515 CST] 00000016 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: FilterProject. [12/25/09 13:06:13:718 CST] 00000014 ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding DefaultEJBTimerDataSource as jdbc/DefaultEJBTimerDataSource [12/25/09 13:06:13:843 CST] 00000016 PropertyMessa I org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources <init> Initializing, config='org.apache.struts.util.LocalStrings', returnNull=true [12/25/09 13:06:13:859 CST] 00000016 PropertyMessa I org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources <init> Initializing, config='org.apache.struts.action.ActionResources', returnNull=true [12/25/09 13:06:14:046 CST] 00000016 PropertyMessa I org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources <init> Initializing, config='filterproject.resources.ApplicationResources', returnNull=true [12/25/09 13:06:14:062 CST] 00000016 ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [FilterProjectEar] [/FilterProject] [action]: Initialization successful. [12/25/09 13:06:14:125 CST] 00000016 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module FilterProject has been bound to default_host[*:9081,*:80,*:9444,*:5060,*:5061,*:443]. [12/25/09 13:06:14:125 CST] 00000015 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: WIM. [12/25/09 13:06:14:125 CST] 00000016 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: FilterProjectEar [12/25/09 13:06:14:125 CST] 00000016 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: JsfHelloworld2sEAR [12/25/09 13:06:14:187 CST] 00000015 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module WIM has been bound to admin_host[*:9061,*:9044]. [12/25/09 13:06:14:203 CST] 00000016 ApplicationMg A WSVR0204I: Application: JsfHelloworld2sEAR Application build level: Unknown [12/25/09 13:06:14:218 CST] 00000014 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: ServletExample.war. [12/25/09 13:06:14:343 CST] 00000014 SystemOut O An attribute (, was added to the ServletContext object [12/25/09 13:06:14:343 CST] 00000014 SystemOut O An attribute (, []) was added to the ServletContext object [12/25/09 13:06:14:343 CST] 00000014 SystemOut O An attribute (com.sun.faces.ConfigBase, true) was added to the ServletContext object [12/25/09 13:06:14:500 CST] 00000014 SystemOut O An attribute (, org.apache.commons.el.ExpressionEvaluatorImpl@7d7c7d7c) was added to the ServletContext object [12/25/09 13:06:14:500 CST] 00000014 SystemOut O Servlet Context is initialized.... [12/25/09 13:06:14:500 CST] 00000014 SystemOut O An attribute (myAttribute, myValue) was added to the ServletContext object [12/25/09 13:06:14:500 CST] 00000014 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module <null> has been bound to default_host[*:9081,*:80,*:9444,*:5060,*:5061,*:443]. [12/25/09 13:06:14:546 CST] 00000016 ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding DefaultEJBTimerDataSource as jdbc/DefaultEJBTimerDataSource [12/25/09 13:06:14:546 CST] 00000015 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: WebSphere Application Server. [12/25/09 13:06:14:562 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: ServletEAR [12/25/09 13:06:14:562 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: ManagementEJB [12/25/09 13:06:14:609 CST] 00000015 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module WebSphere Application Server has been bound to admin_host[*:9061,*:9044]. [12/25/09 13:06:14:609 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0204I: Application: ManagementEJB Application build level: Unknown [12/25/09 13:06:14:640 CST] 00000016 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: HelloWorldJSF. [12/25/09 13:06:14:640 CST] 00000015 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: isclite [12/25/09 13:06:14:656 CST] 00000014 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: mejb.jar [12/25/09 13:06:14:718 CST] 00000015 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: filetransfer [12/25/09 13:06:14:718 CST] 00000015 ApplicationMg A WSVR0204I: Application: filetransfer Application build level: Unknown [12/25/09 13:06:14:890 CST] 00000014 EJBContainerI I WSVR0057I: EJB jar started: mejb.jar [12/25/09 13:06:14:937 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: ManagementEJB [12/25/09 13:06:14:937 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: SchedulerCalendars [12/25/09 13:06:14:953 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0204I: Application: SchedulerCalendars Application build level: Unknown [12/25/09 13:06:15:093 CST] 00000014 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: Calendars.jar [12/25/09 13:06:15:265 CST] 00000014 EJBContainerI I WSVR0057I: EJB jar started: Calendars.jar [12/25/09 13:06:15:375 CST] 00000014 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: SchedulerCalendars [12/25/09 13:06:16:281 CST] 00000016 ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [JsfHelloworld2sEAR] [/JsfHelloworld2s] [Faces Servlet]: Initialization successful. [12/25/09 13:06:16:296 CST] 00000016 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module HelloWorldJSF has been bound to default_host[*:9081,*:80,*:9444,*:5060,*:5061,*:443]. [12/25/09 13:06:16:296 CST] 00000015 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: WebSphere Admin File Transfer Application. [12/25/09 13:06:16:312 CST] 00000016 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: JsfHelloworld2sEAR [12/25/09 13:06:16:328 CST] 00000015 ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [filetransfer] [/FileTransfer] [transfer]: Initialization successful. [12/25/09 13:06:16:656 CST] 00000015 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module WebSphere Admin File Transfer Application has been bound to admin_host[*:9061,*:9044]. [12/25/09 13:06:16:671 CST] 00000015 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: filetransfer [12/25/09 13:06:16:781 CST] 0000000a TCPChannel I TCPC0001I: TCP Channel TCP_1 is listening on host * (IPv4) port 9061. [12/25/09 13:06:16:796 CST] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain WCInboundAdmin. [12/25/09 13:06:17:000 CST] 0000000a TCPChannel I TCPC0001I: TCP Channel TCP_2 is listening on host * (IPv4) port 9081. [12/25/09 13:06:17:000 CST] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain WCInboundDefault. [12/25/09 13:06:17:015 CST] 0000000a TCPChannel I TCPC0001I: TCP Channel TCP_3 is listening on host * (IPv4) port 9044. [12/25/09 13:06:17:031 CST] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain WCInboundAdminSecure. [12/25/09 13:06:17:093 CST] 0000000a TCPChannel I TCPC0001I: TCP Channel TCP_4 is listening on host * (IPv4) port 9444. [12/25/09 13:06:17:109 CST] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain WCInboundDefaultSecure. [12/25/09 13:06:17:109 CST] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain1. [12/25/09 13:06:17:109 CST] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain2. [12/25/09 13:06:17:156 CST] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain3. [12/25/09 13:06:17:156 CST] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain4. [12/25/09 13:06:17:171 CST] 00000014 SchedulerServ I SCHD0077I: The Scheduler Service is starting the Schedulers. [12/25/09 13:06:17:171 CST] 00000014 SchedulerServ I SCHD0078I: The Scheduler Service has completed starting the Schedulers. [12/25/09 13:06:17:203 CST] 0000000a RMIConnectorC A ADMC0026I: The RMI Connector is available at port 2810 [12/25/09 13:06:17:328 CST] 0000001d WorkSpaceMana A WKSP0500I: Workspace configuration consistency check is false. [12/25/09 13:06:15:828 CST] 00000016 SystemErr R log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupServletContextListener). [12/25/09 13:06:15:828 CST] 00000016 SystemErr R log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. [12/25/09 13:06:18:078 CST] 0000000a WsServerImpl A WSVR0001I: Server server1 open for e-business [12/25/09 13:06:32:687 CST] 00000022 ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [JsfHelloworld2sEAR] [/JsfHelloworld2s] [/index.jsp]: Initialization successful. [12/25/09 13:06:34:515 CST] 00000023 ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [JsfHelloworld2sEAR] [/JsfHelloworld2s] [/helloworld.jsp]: Initialization successful. [12/25/09 13:36:38:390 CST] 00000026 IscTaskProvid I IscTaskProvider provideServerInstallExtentions ear.getName Struts2AnnotationVaannilaEAR.ear [12/25/09 13:36:38:390 CST] 00000026 IscTaskProvid I IscTaskProvider provideServerInstallExtentions Added IscEarDeployTask to Vector [12/25/09 13:36:38:671 CST] 00000026 ServiceLogger I initialize FFDC0009I: FFDC opened incident stream file D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\profiles\AppSrv01\logs\ffdc\server1_3cf83cf8_09.12.25_13.36.38_0.txt [12/25/09 13:36:38:687 CST] 00000026 ServiceLogger I resetIncidentStream FFDC0010I: FFDC closed incident stream file D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\profiles\AppSrv01\logs\ffdc\server1_3cf83cf8_09.12.25_13.36.38_0.txt [12/25/09 13:36:39:234 CST] 00000026 IscEarDeployT I IscEarDeployTask performTask Earfile:Struts2AnnotationVaannilaEAR.ear [12/25/09 13:36:39:234 CST] 00000026 IscEarDeployT I IscEarDeployTask performTask Path:D:\Documents and Settings\GANESH\code_ranch\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\Struts2AnnotationVaannilaEAR.ear [12/25/09 13:36:40:171 CST] 00000026 FileRepositor A ADMR0009I: Document cells/ganesha-558ff63Node02Cell/applications/Struts2AnnotationVaannilaEAR.ear/deployments/Struts2AnnotationVaannilaEAR/deployment.xml is created. [12/25/09 13:36:40:281 CST] 00000026 FileRepositor A ADMR0009I: Document cells/ganesha-558ff63Node02Cell/applications/Struts2AnnotationVaannilaEAR.ear/deployments/Struts2AnnotationVaannilaEAR/variables.xml is created. [12/25/09 13:36:40:281 CST] 00000026 FileRepositor A ADMR0009I: Document cells/ganesha-558ff63Node02Cell/applications/Struts2AnnotationVaannilaEAR.ear/deployments/Struts2AnnotationVaannilaEAR/resources.xml is created. [12/25/09 13:36:40:296 CST] 00000026 FileRepositor A ADMR0010I: Document cells/ganesha-558ff63Node02Cell/security.xml is modified. [12/25/09 13:36:40:296 CST] 00000026 FileRepositor A ADMR0010I: Document cells/ganesha-558ff63Node02Cell/nodes/ganesha-558ff63Node02/serverindex.xml is modified. [12/25/09 13:36:40:718 CST] 0000001c ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: Struts2AnnotationVaannilaEAR [12/25/09 13:36:40:734 CST] 0000001c ApplicationMg A WSVR0204I: Application: Struts2AnnotationVaannilaEAR Application build level: Unknown [12/25/09 13:36:41:281 CST] 0000001c ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding DefaultEJBTimerDataSource as jdbc/DefaultEJBTimerDataSource [12/25/09 13:36:41:343 CST] 0000001c WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: Struts2Example1. [12/25/09 13:36:41:750 CST] 0000001c VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module Struts2Example1 has been bound to default_host[*:9081,*:80,*:9444,*:5060,*:5061,*:443]. [12/25/09 13:36:41:781 CST] 0000001c ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: Struts2AnnotationVaannilaEAR [12/25/09 13:36:42:781 CST] 00000023 XmlConfigurat I com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.commons.CommonsLogger info Parsing configuration file [struts-default.xml] [12/25/09 13:36:43:000 CST] 00000023 XmlConfigurat I com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.commons.CommonsLogger info Parsing configuration file [struts-plugin.xml] [12/25/09 13:36:43:156 CST] 00000023 XmlConfigurat I com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.commons.CommonsLogger info Unable to locate configuration files of the name struts.xml, skipping [12/25/09 13:36:43:156 CST] 00000023 XmlConfigurat I com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.commons.CommonsLogger info Parsing configuration file [struts.xml] [12/25/09 13:36:43:718 CST] 00000023 ServiceLogger I initialize FFDC0009I: FFDC opened incident stream file D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\profiles\AppSrv01\logs\ffdc\server1_2d202d20_09.12.25_13.36.43_0.txt [12/25/09 13:36:43:734 CST] 00000023 ServiceLogger I resetIncidentStream FFDC0010I: FFDC closed incident stream file D:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70\runtimes\base_v61\profiles\AppSrv01\logs\ffdc\server1_2d202d20_09.12.25_13.36.43_0.txt [12/25/09 13:36:49:312 CST] 00000023 Dispatcher W org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger warn Could not find action or result There is no Action mapped for namespace / and action name . - [unknown location] at com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionProxy.prepare( at org.apache.struts2.impl.StrutsActionProxy.prepare( at org.apache.struts2.impl.StrutsActionProxyFactory.createActionProxy( at com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionProxyFactory.createActionProxy( at org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.Dispatcher.serviceAction( at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at$ at$
How can i resolve it. Any ideas, suggestions, links, resources, sample code highly appreciated. Thanks in advance
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