Hi Chiraunji Lal,
Please find my comments here. (I'm not a guru, but tried to comment)
Chiraunji Lal wrote:Hello All Ranchers,
I have been a silent member of this group for a very long time and this group has helped me a lot in passing part-1. Now I am moving to part-2 and I have few basic queries regarding the assignment.
1. Can we design the system based on STRUTS or JSF frameworks? Any specific preferences and do we need to mention the reason for choosing the framework in the assumption sections?
There is no guideline mentioned on usage of frameworks any where. My suggestion is go for the framework which is designed by Sun.
2. Do we need to add all the classes, starting from action servlet to DAO layer, in the class diagram? I guess JSP's should not be part of class diagram, please correct me if I am wrong.
If you search in this forum, there are many posts available. Different people have different thoughts on it. Coming to me I followed an approach where class diagram contains only Business domain classes and major technical classes like managers and showing all framework related classes as components in component diagram. For sure, JSPs are not part of class diagram.
(Note. I'm still waiting for my results)
3. Can we separate class diagrams into different layers?
In my opinion, yes why not. But
you should have proper links between diagrams.
I know my questions might be very basic but would really appreciate if someone can reply to the post.
Best Regards,