"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand." --- Martin Fowler
Please correct my English.
SCJP 1.6 98%
"Successful People Don't Plan Results,They Just Plan Proper Beginings.Right Result Always Follow Right Begining".
SCJP 1.6 96%
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SCJP 1.6 96%
Neha Daga wrote:now you know, why so many people noticed you were missing
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SCJP 1.6 96%
SCJP 1.6 96%
SCJP 5.0 100%
Ankit Garg wrote:When you iterate over elements sequentially, ArrayList is slower than LinkedList.
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Ankit Garg wrote:When you iterate over elements sequentially, ArrayList is slower than LinkedList. ArrayList is faster in random access of elements, LinkedList is slow in that...
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Ankit Garg wrote:Someone did some extensive experimentation on this here. The results are interesting...
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Ankit Garg wrote:seetharaman, how many times did you execute that code??
Ankit Garg wrote:But if I increase the elements in the List, i.e. from 3 to around 30, most of the times LinkedList was faster
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Simran Dass wrote: a) What do you mean by iteration in Collections ? Does it mean using specifically an ITERATOR or it can also mean using a for loop(or for that matter any loop) to access the elements one by one.
Wouter Oet wrote:A. Not all collections have an iterator. A HashMap for instance doesn't.
Manish Awasthy wrote:among linked list and vector ,Linked list performs better because the methods of linked list are asynchronous where as methods of vector are synchronized
Wouter Oet wrote:A Vector uses synchronization and a LinkedList doesn't so there is a big difference in functionality so you're comparing apples and pears.
Simran Dass wrote:
There was a question in ExamLab ...
[color=darkblue] LinkedList iterates faster than Vector - True or False.[color]
What should be my answer ?
Simran Dass wrote: [color=darkblue] LinkedList iterates faster than Vector - True or False.[color]
Also, I suggest replacing the second "[ color ]" with "[ / color ]". Omit the spaces.
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Mike Simmons wrote:I know how to look up ASCII codes when I'm being paid to do so.....Making things look pretty is not my concern.
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Ankit Garg wrote:If you felt so
Ankit Garg wrote:if that's what you were thinking...
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