Whenever there are characters such as '&' or ':' that are stored in the attributes of beans which are
string arrays, they won't display in a
JSF (1.2 Mojarra) page.
In fact, the entire h:dataTable will not get rendered. I'm not seeing any exceptions thrown in my
Tomcat 6.0.20 logs either.
I know that when the data are stored in my beans that the special characters are in there, via println() statements.
In this "beanName" example, the ADDRESS field sometimes contains addresses that are the intersections of two roads, such as: 1st & Washington. When this particular search ocurrs, no results are rendered for this dataTable and I'm of the opinion it has something to do with the '&' character. When I change the underlying data and replace '&' with the
word "and", the record is displayed.
Strangely, I can output the '&' and ':' characters to the page as strings, but not via the beanName.attribute in a method binding statement.
Why is that?
private BACasemap[] bacasemaprecord;