Enums are really not a solution to i18n issues.
You should not define one for days of the week, you should used the existing constants in the Date and Calendar classes. They already have support for locale and other i18n issues.
I'm not seeing any value in having enums in a database. The whole point of them is compile time constants. You don't want them to be run-time defined.
If you had a lot of them that changed in value often, my first suggestion is don't do that.
You could get really fancy and write a bit of code that is run by
Ant or Maven when the project is created, but (1) that is not easy and (2) it would slow down the edit/compile/debug cycle.
I use enums for constants, and specifically for "types" For example, I have an enum declared for privileges that users can have, from near powerless rookies, to normal users, special users, administrators, and up to minor gods. I have another set for device characteristics, some user want HTML email, some want plain text.