Hey All,
I just passed
scjp 310-065 exam today morning with 96% score got 2 questions wrong
the score i was expecting is 98% after clicked on finish but never less I'm quit satisfy with current score as well, the exam was quit easy for me(perhaps, am lucky one to get easier questions)
first of all i would like to thanks bert & kathy for such a wonderful book, the book is absolutely perfect for the
java professionals like me, but if you are beginner i would recommend scjp guide by Khalid Mughal & Rolf Rasmussen.
2nd i would like to thanks from bottom of my heart to all my rancher fellows for keep asking and answering such great & helpful questions.
things which i recommend for passing scjp:
clear your all basic concepts on OO(i.e inheritance, encapsulation, coupling and etc)
check java.io.File methods.
check TreeSet & HashSet methods thoroughly.
read collection & generics from mughal & rasmussen guide.
clear the concepts on exceptions(i.e checked and unchecked exception, which are thrown by programmer??)
proper usage of wait/notify/notifyall in threads.
do remember usage of compareTo(), equals() and hashCode() methods(including proper implementation)
(remember you can only compare inequality of a object by hashCode() not equality.)
in last i would appreciate the efforts of
Paul Wheaton(owner of java ranch website) to gather such a huge java crowd here A really big applause for him
Kind Regards