I need your help very much. I am using eclipse for
jee developer(latest edition-Gallilio). Now i need to install the ve plugins for devloping swing so, i download ve from this link:
and download
"All-In-One update site 10.7M (md5)"
and when i gonna do install the plugin it is not installed and give the error message:
"Cannot compile the request. Generating details."
And after that, I found out another message on Installer window:
"Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
Software being installed: Visual Editor All-In-One SDK (version number)".
I am using windows xp and Now my questions are:
1] Is the visual editor already installed on eclipse?
2] If not then how can I install it?
3] If already Installed, how can get and use the editor? Suppose, i want to build up a swing class and do design using visual editor. how can I? Please give an example.[It will be most helpful].
I already search on internet for solution but can not find. If you told me that, it is already installed and i will found on file->New,
then i am sorry. I can not find the visual editor option on there.
Please give me the solve. I will be very much thankful to you.