hi friends,
I am trying to run my own
java bean in the BDK but i am unable to run it.
please help me in solving this problem.......
I am giving a list about the steps that i have followed........
1)I have created the bean.Coding for my bean is .......
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
2)Then I have created a mainfest file which is as follows...........
Name: D:/TYCS/Java Beans/Colors
Java-Bean: True
3)Then I have created a JAR file and given the name to jar file as hello.jar
4)Then started the BDK
5)After starting i was getting the following problem...............
WARNING: Could not instantiate bean "D:.TYCS.Java Beans.Colors" from JAR "F:\Jav
a software\beans\jars\hello.jar"
We couldn't open the class file "D:/TYCS/Java Beans/Colors.class" in the JAR