I am currently converting a poorly written web app to use
struts and i've run into a small problem.
I have a page with 4 links on it. These links are all linked to global forwards in the struts config, which forward onto the appropriate action which then forwards to the correct page.
My problem is that one of the links is forwarding to an action that pre processes a pages content, stores that data in the action form associated with it, and then forwards the request to the 'success' page (the page whose content was processed by the action).
The original page with the 4 links on it, does not have a form and is only a menu type page. So what is happening is that this pre processing action is receiving a null form b/c there isn't a form associated with the global forward.
So my question is, does anyone know how to use a global forward, that forwards to an action that requires an action form to store the display data on the success page?
I considered instantiating the action form myself and placing it in the request, with the name i specified in the struts config, but that seems like a hacked up way of solving this problem.
Does anyone have any ideas??