You're posting in the wrong forum. This looks like a question for the
SCJP forum.
BTW, I didn't look at the rest but your answer for #1 is wrong. Take a look at the code, a new instance of Eligible gets created each time through the loop but no reference is kept. So the correct answer is the number of times the loop executes - which isn't nine.
Good luck with your studies. I recommend Kathy Sierra and Bert Bate's SCJP Study Guide - but I'm partial as I was one of the technical reviewers. Still I've used it as the textbook for an SCJP study group and everybody seemed to like the book and the folks who took the exam passed so I guess there's objective proof that it's a good book. Of course it doesn't hurt that KAthy and Bert helped write the exam...
SCJP, SCJD, SCEA 5 "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" Agatha Heterodyne (Girl Genius)