Good, Better, Best, Don't take rest until, Good becomes Better, and Better becomes Best.
Sidd : (SCJP 6 [90%] )
Hardik Trivedi wrote:
Aditya Sirohi wrote:i want to consider the white space too and grep all the lines that are present in both the file irrespective of what line number they appear.
There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors
All these statement could mean slightly different things to different people. What does "consider the white space too" mean exactly? if file 'a' has "fred " and file 'b' has "fred", is that a match or not?
Aditya Sirohi wrote:
2. for each line in file 'a', check whether is present in file 'b', if its there then print the line.
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