where as links http:\\localhost:8090\ and http:\\localhost:9090\ do not work
Often the most important part of the news is what they didn't tell.
ruquia tabassum wrote:
but still the instances are not working....
ruquia tabassum wrote:I Described the steps followed in the first message of this post.. also i created the startup.bat file . when i click the startup.bat command prompt opens and closes and the content of startup.bat is
I need to confirm that the steps are sufficent or am i missing out something.
Exactly what error message are you getting? Why are you sure that Tomcat instance is actually running?
William Brogden wrote:Try executing startup.bat from a command window to see error
ruquia tabassum wrote:I cannot uninstall my tomcat as it contains applications.
And i have followed exactly the same steps, what is specified in link. but i dont no wats going wrong...
It just set environment variable
William Brogden wrote:
It just set environment variable
Now .... where do you suppose that environment variable is used?
Why not look in catalina.bat and see.......
Have you tried what I suggested to preserve potential error messages?
Also i have installed Tomcat 5.5 and in the bin directory of the tomcat installed does not contain any startup.bat file
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