I am facing problem with sslext with Tiles.
I am Struts 1.2.8 with Tiles,Velocity Menu & sslext-1.2 .
Problem is :
1. I'm linking from one page to another page with as the following URL with https:
<a href="https://localhost:8443/web/formAction.do"> SSL</a>
2. That is Action with ".do".
3. In struts-config.xml
<action path="/formAction" type="test.ssl.NullAction">
This is just forward to the required form (form.jsp). So, if we activate hit the URL as
http://localhost:8080/web/formAction.do - (No https)
the form will show properly (No URL Change)
4.But in form.jsp, if we add the following lines:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/StrutsConfig/sslext.tld" prefix="sslext" %>

ageScheme secure="false"/>
Because the page should come http (Not https)
5. Using https link if we click, Shows security alert for moving to secured page, then once shows alert message moving to non secured page.
But the URL is
http://localhost:8080/web/form.jsp;jsessionid=E9FAA9E74623B4C60FFEC265BC76CD56. Instead of
http://localhost:8080/web/formAction.do .
What is the problem how we can resolve this?. Becuse of this is , template based tiles is not working properly.
All Suggestions are welcomes and my advance thanks
you can reach me
[email protected] L.GANESH.