How can I implement session time out using struts. So that if you keep the page open for like 30 will time you out when you come back to the page again.
Jagdeep Singh<br />SCJP;SCWCD;IBM Certified XML Solution Developer;SCBCD1.3
The same things apply when using Struts as with any Servlet or other web app where you're using the Java Servlet API. Just use the HttpSession method setMaxInactiveInterval(). The method takes an int argument for the number of seconds, so if you want to set it to 30 minutes, feed it 1800 for the argument.
About doing what Chris proposed, in you web.xml file: ...</servlet-mapping> <session-config> <session-timeout>5</session-timeout> </session-config> <mime-mapping>...
Here the 5 equals 5 minutes of session inactivity.