i have a collection(IDRequirements) of size 12 that i am iterating. What i am trying to do is to break this collection into multiples of 4 and show it in three different columns of a table. As you can see from the code below i am having all of them displayed in one column of a table.
I am wondering if there is some way to set this offset value in logic:iterate so that i can dynamically generate a columns with 4 check boxes in each(In my case). I do not want to reinvent wheel by writing my own tab library to do this if something like this can be done using
Struts tags someway.
Guys Appreciate your help.
<td height="24" width="25%" class="odd">
<logic:iterate id="IDRequirement" name="InitialPageDetailViewBean" property="IDRequirements">
<html:multibox property="IDRequiredValues">
<bean:write name="IDRequirement" property="value"/>
<bean:write name="IDRequirement" property="label"/><br/>