I am using
struts 1.3,
tomcat 5.5, java5.
I made a message resource entry in struts-confug: <message-resources parameter="com.myproj.struts.properties.ApplicationResources" />
I am getting warning:
WARNING: Resource com/myproj/struts/properties/ApplicationResources_en_US.properties Not Found.
WARNING: Resource com/myproj/struts/properties/ApplicationResources_en.properties Not Found.
I checked if the message resource is properly deployed... it is all ok.
I am sending an ajax request which is properly gets reponse on request.readyState==4 & request.status==200.
But on alert(request.responseText) shows the
jsp page through which we send the ajax request.
In Action class I put System.out.println("hi");, which never get printed.
The Action class extends MappingDispatchAction & related FormBean extends ValidatorActionForm.
validation.xml is properly checked & provided validation for all form fields.
I am unable to figure out What is wrong here?