Once you have the Element, you can use the getAttribute( name ) method.
Alternately you can get the Attr object corresponding to the name with getAttributeNode( name ).
Incidently, the org.w3c.dom.Node JavaDocs have a lovely table summarizing what the getNodeName() and getNodeValue() methods return for various kinds of Node such as Attr.
James Howerton wrote:Hello.
How can I print out the values of all the tags below the <keyName key="cmaj">
I can only get the first one.
Is it possible to retrieve each of the names of the <element> of each of the elements below <keyName="cmaj"> ?
Indeed it is possible. In fact you have some code which is very much like what you should do in your post, only it's commented out.
Your post was very long and filled with extraneous information -- did we really need to see all 25 elements you wanted to print? -- so I probably didn't give it the attention it needed.