Iam not asking the list of Sun Certified Enterprise Architect books.Among these three books which one helps in preparation of exams.
1) Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for
j2ee Technology by MARK CADE / SIMON ROBERTS
java security by scott oaks
3) Head first ejb
Already i have got the Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for j2ee Technology by PAUL ALLEN / JOSEPH BAMBARA and Mastering ejb.
If i buy 1 does it cover 2 & 3 .Or should i buy 2& 3.I already have good experience in j2ee just over 9 years.
Please advice me on this.The reason why iam asking this question is after reading
scea book what i have currently
iam not getting confidence i have good knowledge in areas like security,legacy application etc.Applicablity of j2ee chapter
is not at all good all i see is that they tell basics of what various j2ee technology does.JSF and webservice is not covered.
Moreover iam not finding that book intresting or informative in nature.But i find the book covering all topics for the exam.
I find the book more of a prepartion guide to the exam but in terms of gaining knowledge i find is bad.