Hmm... something new has come up that I think is well beyond me.
When I create my .jsp I pre-populate the forms with values from a bean.
That works fine, as does the second_enabled script.
The problem comes when I try to determine, on start up, if the value of "interval" is "weekly" or "biweekly".
This doesn't work. The
document.write("I was called "); never shows up.
What makes things odd (for me at least) is that if I change the code to the following:
document.write("I was called "); now shows up.
I can't imagine why this would be. The only difference between the two is that custID is an integer within the populating DTO and interval is a
Both properties do have values within the bean.
Any have any idea why this is?
(on|oad == onload, the forum doesn't seem to like that
Edit: semi-colons were appearing in places that aren't in my actual document.
[ June 02, 2004: Message edited by: Karl Beowulph ]