I have setup Apache2 +
Tomcat 6 as my
test server on ubuntu server 9.10 x64 and i am using GWT 2.0. I have installed Eclipse w/ GWT 2.0 plugins on my windows workstation and have created a default webapp which works great in the Eclipse test environment. I have no issues when i compile and run in eclipse.
When i try to copy all the code from the war directory in my eclipse project to my Tomcat 6 server i get a 404 file not found error whenever i try to make a server call. My client side javascript looks fine but my server calls return the following: - - [15/Feb/2010:22:29:20 -0500] "POST /simple/greet HTTP/ 1.1" 404 991
I have verified that GreetingServiceImpl.class is located at /var/lib/tomcat6/domain1/WEB-INF/classes/simple/server/GreetingServiceImpl.class
Here is my webapp's web.xml file found in /var/lib/tomcat6/domain1/ WEB-INF/
Now here is the weird thing... if i uncomment the following code in the tomcat web.xml file everything starts working:
I AM NOT uncommenting the
servlet mapping for invoker just the class info.
I know know invoker is BAD BAD BAD but i dont know what else to do to make this work...
Below are my config files in their entirety:
web.xml for webapp - /var/lib/tomcat6/domain1/WEB-INF/ web.xml
Tomcat web.xml file - /etc/tomcat6/web.xml
Tomcat server.xml - /etc/tomcat6/server.xml
Context file: ROOT.xml - /etc/tomcat6/Catalina/ test.domain1.org/ROOT.xml
Any help would be greatly appreciated as i have been working on this for a week straight and its keeping me up at night...