Originally posted by frisode jonge:
i am just wondering why nobody brought this topic up in the book discussion. What could be the synergy, or problems with both these topics. Is that written in the book ?
I describe how you can use Tiles with
JSF in the book. Including one
JSP page containing JSF components (with the rest represented by plain JSP pages and/or static HTML pages) is fairly easy.
Including more than one JSP page containing JSF pages is problematic for two reasons. Dynamically including JSP pages containing JSF components requires that you embed all static content in the pages within <f:verbatim> elements and that you wrap each page within a <f:subview> element; hardly intuitive. This is because of buffering issues, where JSF and JSP clashes. The second reason is that the current version of Tiles (or at least the version I tested) tries to flush a buffer in a way that causes an exception when used with JSF. This should be fairly easy to fix, though.
I haven't tried it myself, but I've seen reports that people have had better luck with SiteMesh than with Tiles.