Thanks a lot to Javaranch. I was able to clear
SCEA part-1.
I am sure that i learned many things in
J2EE from the day i started the serious preparation.
I would like to share my experiences , which might be useful for the people who are planning to take SCEA part 1.
Make sure to call the
test center 1 day before the test.(I faced this problem when i went to take test on time, test center people said that the servers are down from 1 week and they never informed me before.Luckly i got the slot in other test center same day after 3 hours).
1) I did follow Javaranch - This is the key to my success... Thanks to everyone in this group.
2) I used MZ's notes(Read until you understand concepts clearly),Mark Cade (Old version), EJB3 basics ,
JSF Basics, Lot of IBM articles on J2EE.
3) JWS White paper - Essential . Suggest to have clear understanding of JWS &
4) Don't forget to see the
5) Took Sun's Mock Exam and Whizlab's Mock Exams both are useful though they are easy.