I don't see any error that says a file wasn't found; are you sure you posted the right code?
In any case, which version of Struts 2 are you using? You're asking for an extension-less URL, which is not turned on by default in earlier versions of S2.
it says create directory structure struts2tutorial\WEB-INF\src\java\net\roseindia and put java file here.
then how the package become "package net.roseindia"
it shouold be java.net.roseindia;
is it?
There are a lot of typographical errors in your post, so it's hard to tell what is a typo and what is an actual mistake. However, I noticed that you said you placed your struct.xml file in the WEB-INF directory. I have two comments:
1. The file should be named struts.xml (I expect that was just a typo);
2. The file should be accessible on the application's classpath. A simple way to achieve this is to place it in the WEB-INF/classes directory.