I am currently trying to use System Properties to determine which property file to load for a Generic
Servlet as described below. I would like to access the System Property "platform.type" in particular, though if this is possible, I will also use others such as "serverName".
I have already been through multiple posts regarding the following: ContextLoaderListener and ContextLoaderServlet. They will not work for this case because I need those properties accessible when the Generic Servlet accesses the above listed Context Parameter.
I have even created a Wrapper Servlet, let's call it GenericInitializationServlet, in which I attempt to replace the properties by: using a ServletConfig Proxy to access the Context Properties using the getContextParameter method and then substituting the property value with the matching System Property.
Does anyone know of a way to accomplish this? To reiterate, I need to perform property replacement on a Context Parameter that will be used by a Servlet.