Which example assignments for
SCEA II/III would you recommend. So far I checked following:
- ePractize Labs Part 2/3, it contains 6 mock projects
- Scenario from Mark Cade/Humphrey Sheil
JEE Study Guide (chapter 9)
- Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 by Bill Burke, Richard Monson-Haefel (Chapter 21: EJB Design in the Real World )
I found each of them useful, however there are significant differences between them.
For example Mark Cade class diagram uses annotations like @Stateless @Entity, while others : <<Stateless Session Bean>>
Additionally Cade placed all classes on one large diagram, but ePractize used one general diagram and several more detailed ( for each tier like WEB , EJB ).
Burke is also using one general class diagram close to this presented by Cade.
My question is: do anybody of you have experiences with solutions presented above, or could recommend something not listed by me ?
Which one is the best, it terms of matching the SUN reviewer expectations ?